• African Buffalo

    African Buffalo (Latin = Syncerus caffer, Afrikaans =Afrikaanse buffel, German = Afrikanisher Buffel) Numbers: Fairly high
    Weight: Up to 800 kg (1760lb.)
    Shoulder height: 140cm (56 in.)

  • African Elephant

    African Elephant (Latin = Loxodonta africana, Afrikaans = Afrikaanse olifant, German = Afrikanischer Elefant)
    Numbers: Fairly high
    Weight: Up to 6570kg (14 454lb.)
    Shoulder height: 4 meters (12feet.)

  • Black Wildebeest

    Black Wildebeest (Latin = Connochaetus gnou, Afrikaans = Swartwildebees, German = Weissschwanzgnu)
    Numbers: Fairly low
    Weight: 60 - 160kg (198 - 352 lb. )
    Shoulder height: 120 cm (48in.)

  • Black-backed Jackal

    Black-backed Jackal (Latin = Canis mesomelas, Afrikaans = Rooijakkals, German = Schabbrackens Chakal)
    Numbers: Very high
    Weight: 5 - 10kg (11 - 22 lb.)
    Shoulder height: 38 cm (15 in.)

  • Blesbok

    Blesbok (Latin = Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi, Afrikaans = Blesbok, German = Blessbock)
    Numbers: High
    Weight: 60 - 82kg (132 - 180 lb.)
    Shoulder height: 95 cm (38 in.)

  • Blue Wildebeest

    Blue Wildebeest (Latin = Connochaetus taurinus, Afrikaans = Blouwildebees, German = Streifengnu/Weissbartgnu)
    Numbers: High
    Weight: 180 - 270kg (396 - 594 lb.)
    Shoulder height: 135 - 150 cm (54 - 60 in.)

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